Alpha-bisabolol: A Promising and Terrific Terpene

Alpha-bisabolol. As much it sounds like a secret off-the-menu entree at a trendy Italian restaurant, it’s actually a powerful terpene found in marijuana. Although it is a mainstay in the cosmetics industry, it recently has caught the attention of researchers since it shows potential medical benefits, especially in cannabis.
Alpha-bisobolol is a fragrant terpene that adds an earthy, slightly sweet floral scent to chamomile tea and certain marijuana strains. And while is a fairly minor terpene, it may prove to be a powerful agent in our fight against a variety of diseases. As the site points out,” it seems to have major healing properties that could help improve people’s health and well-being.”
The molecular structure of Alpha-bisabolol


On the medical front, research is showing that Alpha-bisabolol may be a” cytotoxic agent against acute leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia cells,” and that it may have an “additive anti-inflammatory effect targeting the leukemia-associated pro-inflammatory microenvironment,” making it a dual treatment agent. Additionally, research on chamomile shows that “exposure induced apoptosis in cancer cells but not in normal cells at similar doses.”

Moreover, it holds promise as a potent amplifier of antibiotics, with a recent report indicating Alpha-bisabolol has “the potential to restore the effectiveness of ampicillin against resistant S. aureus.” Given that the World Health Organization has stated that “Antibiotic resistance is rising to dangerously high levels in all parts of the world” and “new resistance mechanisms are emerging and spreading globally, threatening our ability to treat common infectious diseases,” perhaps it’s time to revisit the use of Alpha-bisabolol in this battle. There are also some practical aspects of Alpha-bisabolol that may impact our daily hygiene, as there is emerging evidence that this terpene may combat the Halitosis-associated bacterium S. moorei. 

And like other terpenes, there is some evidence that it is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, appearing “to downregulate the production of COX-2 enzymes, which are expressed at sites of inflammation throughout the body” and “promote the production of hormones called prostaglandins, which are responsible for the pain and swelling that accompanies inflammation.”

Alpha-bisabolol can be found in the following marijuana strains:

  • Sour Jack, a 50-50 hybrid between sativa and indica with a whopping THC concentration of up to 22%
  • Super Sour Diesel, a sativa strain that delivers a concrete cerebral high and gives the user a psychoactive experience
  • Gas–a highly indica-dominant strain known for its ability to banish the symptoms of anxiety, stress, pain, and depression 

With its mellow, floral taste profile and ability to relax users, Alpha-bisabolol may make marijuana a more enjoyable experience, even if you’re not ordering Italian food. 

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