March 13
Time:11:33 pm
It’s “holiday travel” time, so, let’s get into the spirit with two thrill packed roller coaster rides featuring trains and planes! This event can be considered a “prep event” for those Trail Shrinkers coming on the Las Vegas trip, but all TS’ers are invited to join in. The first of this great double bill is the Alfred Hitchcock classic “North by Northwest (1959)” and the second is the comic tribute to it, Arthur Hiller’s “Silver Streak (1976).” Both feature plenty of adrenalin pumping “travel action” and plenty of laugh inducing “comic action” to boot!
The venue of this event is the Event Host’s ”home theater” which has a limited capacity of 8 seats, so, it’s “first come, first served” – get your RSVP in before you get shut out.
Come and see the full double bill or just one of the two – North by Northwest screens at 6:30 PM and Silver Streak at 9:00 PM (the complete double bill concludes at 11:00 PM).
Plenty of popcorn will be provided by the “theater management.” Participants are invited to bring beverages and other items to snack on and share.
As always, attendance at this and all other Meetup events, is at the risk of the attendee who waives all rights to hold any and all event hosts, organizers and leaders liable for any injury, loss or damage sustained in the event of any accident or mishap.