(BNGO) Bionano Genomics – Why do we invest in Genomics stocks like BNGO, ILMN, Crisper, Editas (EDIT), Invitae (NVTA) atherosclerosis? Mark Nejmeh owns 1,020,139 shares of BNGO. Genomics will be bigger than SPCE, AMZN, TSLA.
(BNGO) Bionano Genomics – Why do we invest in Genomics stocks like BNGO, ILMN, Crisper, Editas (EDIT), Invitae (NVTA) atherosclerosis? Mark Nejmeh owns 1,020,139 shares of BNGO. Genomics will be bigger than SPCE, AMZN, TSLA.
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