Torture Us, Parts of Speech

The trials of life are a stylistic Rubicon 

Nouns are  particularly problematic 

The concrete ones

 their sharp corners

Prick us

Trick us

Stick us 

With their exactness 

While their abstractions 

Are like playing 

With a bar of soap 

In the maelstrom 


Verbs on the other hand

Evict us

Depict us

Convict us

 With their exactitude

Such attitude 

Have they

The demands are unreasonable 

Take action 

Seize the day 



Keep moving 

Even when the animation 

Is enigmatic 


Adjectives are the worst

Save for their misunderstood cousins 


And together cause tumults and commotions 

Describe us

Bribe us with flowery promises

And a vague sense of mystery and apprehension 

They are forever crashing parties 

And won’t go home

Even when asked politely, 

So thoughtful


Good God 

No one has the power to tape down 

Sticky strands of truth 

With just the right words

–it’s madness

It’s mendacious 


 Let’s just leave aside 

Gerunds and participles

They give me migraines

So pretentious 



Forever balking 

Verb? Noun?

Can’t seem to make up their minds–

They make me schizophrenic 


Prepositions seem necessary 

But I feel trapped 

By in their exigencies 

Crushed under their wheels

Besieged by setting and context

They refuse to walk away 


And the nerve of articles   

Little nosy busybodies 

Always imposing limits

Like a traffic cop

On the grammar highway 


Conjunctions give me hemorrhages

Forever coordinating and subordinating

Defining relationships 

The marriage  counselor of syntax 

And now what? 

But I digress . . .


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Charles Bukowski, the Los Angeles beat poet that captured the depravity of American urban life  once said, “There is something about writing poetry that brings a man close to the cliff’s edge.” Newsweed is proud to stand in solidarity and offer you a chance to get close to the cliff’s edge with our first Power of Poetry Contest. Are you a budding bard, a versatile versifier, a rhyming regaler? Do you march to the beat of iambic pentameter, or flow like a river with free verse? If so, here’s your opportunity to put your mad poetic chops to the test. Enter our poetry contest for bragging rights and an opportunity to win some cash!

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