Torn (Part 1)

This is the first installment in a series for the poem “Torn.”
From the moment we are conceived, 
We are torn.

The very act of meiosis 

Is divisive-


Even as it builds


In an exhaustive effort to 

Make us whole,



As a child, the tearing continues:

We are torn from bottle or breast

From diapers and dreams

To deliberations and decisions 

From rocking in arms

To rolling in angst 

As we separate 

Angels from devils 

Friends from betrayers




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Charles Bukowski, the Los Angeles beat poet that captured the depravity of American urban life once said, “There is something about writing poetry that brings a man close to the cliff’s edge.” Newsweed is proud to stand in solidarity and offer you a chance to get close to the cliff’s edge with our first Power of Poetry Contest. Are you a budding bard, a versatile versifier, a rhyming regaler? Do you march to the beat of iambic pentameter, or flow like a river with free verse? If so, here’s your opportunity to put your mad poetic chops to the test. Enter our poetry contest for bragging rights and an opportunity to win some cash!

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