Stargazer, Rice Krispies, and Jean Luke Ponty: 3 Incredible Items for Liftoff!

The Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami, once wrote “Not just beautiful, though–the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they’re watching me.” After trying the Stargazer strain, I share the same affinity for Murakam’s wonderment of stars and their connection to our humanity.
The Stargazer Strain Source:

With an almost dangerously high 25% THC concentration, the Stargazer strain offers an incredibly cerebral, quasi-spiritual intoxication, making you feel one with the floating heavens that dot the night sky like an electric kaleidoscope. Yet, owing to some mystical properties, or the fact that Allbud states it’s a highly indica-dominant strain, your body is also relaxed, ready to melt into your star-gazing chair like a modern-day Galileo, or, ur Ganjaleo. 😉

In all seriousness, I was unprepared for how heavy the ensuing buzz was, even after just a few tokes. It didn’t so much as creep up on me, as much as it rapidly teleported my ass into another time dimension. In fact, time itself seemed suspended. What should have been three hours was in reality, only one!

Stargazer was created by Delta 9 labs through the process of Dark magic and Elfin spells. Seriously, even the genetic background conjures images or impressions of another dimension, being a crossover breed of Sensi Star x AK-47 x Warlock. Stars? Warlocks? Modern weaponry? Yeah, that’s some Geroge Lucas meets Harry Potter meets The Terminator shit if I’m being honest!

Beyond the mind-trip antics, my back pain all but disappeared into, well, I guess another universe. The review on got it right, stating: “An Indica strain that does just what you’d expect — relax your muscles, drop your eyelids, and numb your pain — Stargazer is an out-of-this-world pain-reliever. Providing a sublime state of mind, Stargazer will help you enjoy some pain-free comfort after a late-night (or early morning) of enjoying the super-blue-blood-moon and lunar-eclipse.”

Kellogs Rice Krispies with Milk: Starfuel Source:

And no space trip would be complete without space food, right? I recommend Kellogg’s Rice Krispies. Not only do the little snap, crackle, pops delight your mouth, but their almost-plaintive sounds are also oddly reassuring, resonating with the same frequency as the universe, no doubt. If you pause between delicious spoonfuls, you can hear the sound sounds of new stars being born, a delicious, milk-filled nebula swirling around in the seemingly bottomless bowl. Okay, it’s really only bottomless if you keep feeling it up, so be careful with that bud-induced compulsion.


Now, you will need some celestial music to go along with this space venture, and I can think of nothing more expansive and space-like than Jean Luke Ponty, a French jazz violinist and composer of exquisite, almost ethereal soundscapes. And his best album for Stargazing is Cosmic Messenger. This masterpiece album from 1978 (the same year of Battlestar Galactica, by the way) will transport listeners in unknown realms of beauty as if the poetry and magic of the universe were turned into a melody.

One especially awesome track is Puppet’s Magic, a symphonic thunderstorm that drains over your sense like rain on Mars, quenching your space lust. Guitar, drums, and the ever-present mystical violin weave a musical tapestry in the center of your personal universe.

With Stargazer, Rice Krispies, and Ponty, space is not the final frontier, but it will be your frontier.



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