Revive Therapeutics: Does it Still Have Life in 2021?

Today’s Psychedelic Stock Spotlight: Revive Therapeutics

Risk Profile: High Risk/Moderate-High Reward

(Disclaimer: These articles are merely informational in nature, and in no way should be considered expert financial advice. As with any investment, psilocybin stocks, especially those owned by newer companies, are subject to significant fluctuations in value. Therefore, caution should always be observed when investing.)

Revive’s Background

Revive Therapeutics (RVVTF) is a Toronto-based pharmaceutical company that is exploring psilocybin as a therapeutic treatment option for a variety of conditions. Unlike most other psychedelic pharmaceutical companies with an exclusive focus on treating mental health issues, Revive is also creating compounds to treat infectious diseases.

According to their website, Revive is “… developing a product and clinical development plan intending to unlock the full potential of Bucillamine for infectious diseases, including COVID-19.” Currently, Revive states they are in Stage 3 Clinical trials for Bucillamine, so if approved, they would be able to produce it and get it to market relatively soon. 

Revive is also currently investigating “cannabidiol for treating autoimmune hepatitis and ischemia and reperfusion injury from organ transplantation,” according to Yahoo finance, which deviates from the typical focus of CBD for anxiety. 

Revive’s Collaboration 

Revive announced earlier this month that it “. . . has entered into an agreement with the University of Health Sciences Antigua (“UHSA”) to collaborate on utilizing Revive’s novel psychedelic-assisted therapies and pioneering the clinical research and development of psychedelics in Antigua and Barbuda.”

Revive and Psilocin Pharma Corp.

And to bolster their standing in the field and generate revenue, Revive acquired Psilocin Pharma Corp, “a specialty psychedelic pharma corporation that is focused on the development of psilocybin-based solutions for unmet medical needs which includes rare and orphan indications,” according to the website The Deep Dive. Deep Dive states, “The transaction was valued at $2.75 million, and was satisfied via the issuance of common shares of Revive Therapeutics at a price per share of $0.05, of which a portion have already been issued and placed into escrow.” 

Current opinion on Revive is mixed. states, “The market has been high on Revive Therapeutics Ltd (RVVTF) stock recently. RVVTF gets a Bullish score from InvestorsObserver’s Stock Sentiment Indicator. However, says “. . . Revive Therapeutics Ltd stock can be a bad, high-risk 1-year investment option.”

Trading currently at .475/share, RVVTF may present an affordable option to investors looking to potentially maximize their investments, but not without volatility risks. 

Like many other psychedelic pharmaceutical companies, Revive has issues with revenue, and is currently running in the red in several categories. Unlike other psychedelic counterparts, Revive has been around since 2012. Whether its current research and pharmaceutical pipelines are enough to revive Revive is anyone’s guess. 



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