Powerful Psychedelics, Transformation, Spirituality and Humor: The Meet Delic Conference 2021

The world is changing rapidly. Weed is increasingly becoming legalized across our republic and our renewed interest in psychedelics is promising to positively change how we treat people with mental health issues while simultaneously causing a spiritual reawakening that may fill the gap in our quest for more personally meaningful lives.

Standing at the center of this movement is Deliccorp, a “leading psychedelic wellness corporation committed to bringing safe, legal and science-backed benefits to all” while “delivering affordable, effective psychedelic wellness to the masses.” 

As part of this leadership role, Delic is hosting a psychedelic conference in Las Vegas on November 6-7. Known as Meet Delic, the conference will present “a series of daily keynote presentations from visionary speakers exploring powerful new ideas and shaping the ever-evolving world of psychedelics.” Meet Delic will have two tracks available: a business track designed for entrepreneurs and a wellness track, created to enhance attendees’ knowledge about the role psychedelics can play in their lives.
Regardless of which track you choose, participants will get access to “three or more industry professionals sharing different perspectives and opinions across a wide range of topics exploring the intersection of psychedelic business, wellness, and the industry’s future.” 

Featured panelists include the following:

The Meet Delic Conference is much like a Who’s Who of the psychedelic universe with a diverse array of topics, issues, and industry experts who will share their insights and lessons about business, spirituality, personal development, and of course, the powerful and transformational role that psychedelics can and do play in our lives.

The conference will also feature the likes of psychologist and neuroscientist Dr. Carl L. Hart from  Columbia University; stand-up comedien and podcaster Duncan Trussel; television personality and futurist Jason Silva; shaman and author Alyson Charles; New York Times best-selling co-author of Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What it Means for Modern Relationships Christopher Ryan; and Ifetayo Harvey, marketing coordinator at the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) and founder of the People of Color Psychedelic Collective.

Rounding out the conference is George Goldsmith, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and Co‑founder of Compasspathways; writer, meditation and metaphysics teacher Luke Storey; Dr. Molly Maloof, a health optimization physician; Ben Westhoff, an award-winning investigative journalist who writes about culture, drugs, and poverty; Dr. David Rabin, a Board-Certified psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and inventor who studies resilience and the impact of chronic stress; spiritualist and psychedelics advocate Brittany Hoogenboom; and Gil Hedley, Ph.D., founder of Integral Anatomy Productions.

Teh Meet Delic Conference will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, from November 6-7

And to lighten the heart through levity, Sahne Mauss, a comedian from Onalaska, Wisconsin, will be the special emcee. Who could ask for more?

While the expression is usually What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, this conference will likely result in expanding humankind’s consciousness across the globe!

To buy tickets to the events, click here

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Charles Bukowski, the Los Angeles beat poet that captured the depravity of American urban life  once said, “There is something about writing poetry that brings a man close to the cliff’s edge.” Newsweed is proud to stand in solidarity and offer you a chance to get close to the cliff’s edge with our first Power of Poetry Contest. Are you a budding bard, a versatile versifier, a rhyming regaler? Do you march to the beat of iambic pentameter, or flow like a river with free verse? If so, here’s your opportunity to put your mad poetic chops to the test. Enter our poetry contest for bragging rights and an opportunity to win some cash!


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