WANTED! New Letters to the Editor: We’d love to hear from you

Click this link to submit a letter to the editor: Submit

As always, at Newsweed we are extremely interested in what you, our valued reader and enthusiast has to say. That’s why we are dedicating a very important part of our website and periodical to you. Our “Letters to the Editor” will serve two main purposes.

For one, we would like to get a peer perspective on our articles. Did you like it, do you like our authors writing style? Do you hate it and think that we’re wrong. That’s fine too. Your reviews are important to us so that we can grow and at the same time you grow with us. After all it is growing season.

Also, we would like to hear your stories pertaining to our articles. How can you relate or do you have a similiar story? It makes for interesting content and its fun to interact and engage with our community. After all we are a community.


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