Is doping in sports OK or not ? Comments on the Olympic skating scandal.

This skating doping scandal at the Olympics should redefine the doping rules in sports for the future. Kamila Valieva should not have been allowed to skate. It was not good for her, the other competitors, ice skating, and maybe sports in general. There should be the same rules for everyone, not different ones for different ages. Why was the information about the bad test so slow with being known? Kamila should not have been skating at all in the Olympics. She is a truly fantastic skater and a good draw for attention and publicity, but is not in the true spirit of the Olympics or any sport. It does not level the playing field to allow cheaters to participate like this. There should have been knowledge about the bad test available before the Olympics and shame on the Olympic committee and the court of arbitration for sport if they let the cheaters get away with this mockery of the Olympic games and sports in general.

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