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The Shaman and Ayahuasca: Inseparable Elements of Spirituality and Growth in the 21st Century
“You don't find light by avoiding the darkness.”
― S. Kelley Harrell, modern shaman
As psychedelics in general, and ayahuasca specifically, gain momentum in the Western...
Pablo Amaringo: Shaman, Artist, Ayahuasca Visionary
“The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligent and creative imagination...
Ayahuasca Purple, White Pepper, Charleston Chew: 3 Tantalizing Tempations to Make You Complete
It’s been a long day. The boss has been kinda intense, and well, bossy. You got all kinds of things that need to be...
Political crisis erupts in Peru after President Castillo’s cabinet resignation.
Peruvian President Pedro Castillo announced the resignation of his First Minister Guido Bellido Ugarte last week, prompting a massive political crisis that could eventually...
The DMN, Ourselves, and Psychedelics: A Positive Revolution in the 21st Century
These inner dialogs are always with us. They all come from that nagging, always-on, defeatist voice that never shuts up. In Eastern Traditions, we...
Beatriz Caiuby Labate: 21st Century Shaman, Uniting Force for Good
When you hear the word shaman, you probably conjure images of primitive mystical healers or even modern tribal spiritualists that live deep in the...
The Dawn of Our Incredible Future: Laura Dawn’s Vision for Transformation in the 21st...
“Trust in the great unknown.” This is the unwavering message of Laura Dawn, teacher, business consultant, and unabashed advocate for the potential of psychedelics...
Ann Arbor: Extraordinary Entheogenic Pioneers, Bridge Builders, Wonder Workers in the 21st Century
Building on their efforts to decriminalize a wide range of psychedelics in 2020, Ann Arbor, Michigan City Council members named September “Entheogenic Plants and...
DMT: Gateway to Spirituality, Healing, and Enlightenment
Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, is a psychoactive hallucinogen that is considered a classical psychedelic. Consumption of this compound can cause vivid hallucinations, mind-altering thought patterns,...
Paul Stamets: The Fantastic and Promising Future of Fungi and Psilocybin
We are in the midst of a new cultural revolution that rivals the counterculture of the 1960s. But this time, beyond expanding our consciousness...